Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Morro Rock-One of the Nine Sisters-Ancient and Beautiful

We traveled here with our family plus two! Nestled in the midst of unique seaside cottages, behind a gate covered with lemons, we found our home for the weekend. Could we have chosen any better for our last weekend at the ocean before our extra son and daughter who had shared the past several weeks with us were about to head back to their homes? We had all lived and shared togethor in many new settings. This, however was to be one of our favorites! Our family loves to return to this community set at the base of an ancient volcano. A place where the pace of life is slow and the people look you in the eye and smile. A place where stories begin and where endings are magical! The smell and feel of the ocean! The caress of the morning fog. The beauty of all of nature sharing this space! The smell of dark coffee blended with the sweetness of sticky buns and the subtle scent of the ocean brings ones soul back to life with that old familiar sigh...This is the space my children had been dreaming for months of sharing with their friends...

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