Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Waiting & Reminiscing

I find myself with time on my hands. Something that is quite unusual at this point in my life. I am waiting, you see. Waiting for a blossom to open that waits until night when most people have settled in. This same plant, a cactus to be exact bloomed last year and we missed it! After waiting days, as the bud grew and grew, we woke one day to find that it had bloomed but it all had happened as we were tucked away inside for the night and we never had the chance to experience it's unveiling. This year we sit...waiting. A bit like waiting for the birthing hour. How we waited and waited so many years ago. Now to find that in months we will be the parents of not just one, but two adults.

Where has all the time gone and how do we sort through it all and decipher one year from the next? It all seems to have gone so fast and yet there were times in the middle of the night when we sat next to that child waiting for the homeopathy to kick in and relieve the fever and we wondered if the time would ever pass? Or the times we sat up all night waiting for the same children to arrive home safely from Prom. Where does the time go? Tonight I sit typing as I wait the beauty of a blossom. I sit with a smile across my heart as I have both my children home and as I recall the last several nights as we have sat around the table as a family, adding a few extra teens here and there as we discussed the world issues and explained how we would each change the world. As we sat enjoying the slowly prepared food from our kitchen and the hours of conversation as the sun sets and the moon shines brightly over us and I believe that as these nights have passed, that even the moon has smiled as it shone down upon us as we debated politics, life and books as our family always has and is able to once again in it's "whole".

So I sit and I am thankful that this blossom has given me the time to remember when. I am happy to have the time to peruse through pictures that have been taken and filed away as life has been too busy and if I am to be totally honest, I have set to the side so that I would not have to deal with life moving so fast. So, here it is in all it's raw beauty. The last several months...for those of you who have asked. No reason to get nervous over the silence. I always reappear when time helps me sort and I am able to deal with the next phase.

Blessings to you all-

Wayne-Fun at Work

Wayno has had quite the Spring! He is able to not just spend time in the office but out and about with growers as well as spending a bit of time traveling. He has seen much and learned even more. In February, he had the thrill of visiting hives. This is something I would kill for and he was given the opportunity. Lucky him!!! He was quite kind in his sharing of this amazing experience, as to not allow me too much jealousy. What a wonderful day he spent in the orchards...

He was fortunate also to be able to spend a day in Mexico. He learned much and enjoyed the visit as well as those he met during his trip. What a wonderful time he had exploring this new space. if only he had had just a bit more time. The people were kind, the food was amazing, and his location was beautiful. What beauty to see their orchards! Many types of plants and fruit as well as nuts and coffee all growing together. So unlike the way we are used to in the Valley. We have perfectly manicured orchards with only one type of plant or tree growing alongside each other. His eyes were open to a whole new way of growing where space is valuable and different types of plants share the same soil and work together giving and taking in a perfect union.

Then off to Spain he flew in May! What an amazing trip! He continues to relive moments as we sit and share over dinner. This was possibly one of his favorite spots he has ever visited. The people were beautiful. The land was amazing and the food was beyond! He worked hard on this trip and loved every moment of it. The lifestyle in Spain was one to get used to and he worked hard to follow their schedules. Rising early was a bit of a problem as most there enjoy sleeping in. He would start his morning s early and work straight through the siestas and then continue on through the night until the wee morning hours. This is not the norm for these people as they have continued to find a way to enjoy life first and work is second to life!

Among all the travels and work, he has had time to work a bit in the gardens as well as time to get out and play Frisbee Golf with friends. He continues to find time to read through all of this and enjoys having time to sit out on the patio, book in hand and enjoy the weather as winter has passed and our meals and evenings are more and more spent out on the patio. We will enjoy this before the heat of the summer arrives and we are able to spend much less time outside.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

For Brit, the Spring has been full! Filled with studies and friends!!! She has spent the last two months studying for every test I believe is out there. She loves her school and is excited to be a part of an education system like ours. She however, is excited and looking forward to the future and what it might hold for her as far as education and so is studying hard and taking every test possible so that she is able to prepare for the next big step!!! How quickly life changes and these small ones grow and mature and head off into worlds of their own! How exciting for them to dream and plan and work towards the future. Among all the study time and the huge amount of homework she has had this year, she has still found time to be with friends.
Brit has always danced to her own beat and this is one of the many reasons we are very proud of her. She knows what she believes in and she takes the time to educate herself and be able to stand up for those beliefs. She has worked hard as a Link Crew Leader at school this year as well as is serving on a Liaison committee to bring the youth and the adults of our church closer together. She was excited to travel with a group of students this year to visit possible University choices. She loved her trip and the fun they all had together.
Brit loves to read and wishes she had more time to sink into a chair and lose herself in a book. She was quite excited this spring to be able to hook up with one of her favorite authors during one of our trips to Berkeley!
She was also quite pleased to have time with her Uncle after not having seen him for a couple of years. I'm not sure she believed all his stories but she quickly remembered just how funny Uncle Phil always was and spent most the time at his side. Sissy will always love being a "kid". Even at 93, I imagine Brit will pull out the sidewalk chalk and stickers and have a great afternoon laughing with friends! Coloring eggs with her Dad is always a must! Again, this year she was quite proud of just how beautiful they turned out! Even more so since her brother had decided to come home for the weekend and when she has him with her, all of life is good!

This Spring was filled with many dances and parties. Brit and Jacob seemed to always be headed out to

some new exciting event. They have had a fun Spring! As Brit is nearing the end of her Junior year and Jacob is preparing to graduate, they seem to have many more events showing up on the calendar with graduations, birthday parties, and church conference coming soon, the fun continues on into the summer.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bry has completed his first year of college!!! His Spring was filled with a major workload for Bry! He spent most of this semester in the Studio, working on projects that some weeks took up to 60 hours of work. He slept an hour here or there and was known to be able to be found under his desk sleeping just to get away from life for just a moment to catch a couple of Zzz before heading off to a class! It was all well worth it in that he ended his semester with good grades and his Final Project was chosen to place on display for the Graduation Ceremony. Bry had two roommates this year and was lucky to get along well with both of them. They all found a way to survive in a very small space without killing each other and as busy as their schedules were, that is surprising as one or all of them would be up many nights...all night with the desk light on studying. We were lucky to have Bry come home between projects a couple of times this semester. He was back to join the band at church in a performance which was amazing to hear them all together again! He also joined us for Easter weekend which was appreciated by his little buddy Ian. And of course there were the trips to play Frisbee Golf! One weekend, he even brought a project home to work on which was fun for us to see as it progressed over the weekend. As he would

arrive home, the house would once again fill with his friends and they would spend all nights up playing poker or watching movies and still find a way to function the next day. Caffeine is their friend as our recycling bin can attest to! He is quite happy to remind his Uncle that he won the fro contest when he came down to see Bry at school. He had fun showing off his campus to a member of his family between classes. Bry loved his professors this semester and would find time to sit and discuss projects and life with them. Brit was thrilled to have Bry home the weekend of Prom and Bry of course teased and had fun with her even during picture taking. We joined Bry a school a couple of times as well and had fun learning even more of the city. Thanks to a friend, we had an apartment to stay in most times we journeyed in. We had fun recently helping Bry and his new roommates move into their firs apartment! This gave Wayne and I many moments to pause and reflect. How would you ever know that this would come so fast? I know it was just moments ago he said his first word and lost his first tooth and took his first step... and now a first apartment! Wow...life goes so quickly!

Friday, May 18, 2007

So...Spring has been full! Filled with fun, friends, work, cooking, exercise classes, and just life in general. I have had so many changes in my life over the last three years and it seems this will just continue. I cannot imagine what life would be like at this point without continual change. There has been much good as well as much sadness over the past few years. I sit back and I wonder at it all! I am most happy to have my Uncle with me these days as we spend time almost weekly on the phone chatting! It makes you realize what a gift you have when life almost takes one of your best friends away from you and I am happy to be reminded not to take my friends for granted any more. It may be days or months and sometimes longer before we see each other but friends should take the time to remind each other just how important they are. I hope you each know even if I have not mentioned it for some time, that you are all very important in my life and the lives of my children and for that I am happy and thankful!!! So...Spring has been good. With it has come new beginnings just as it should! I was able to reconnect with my brother during a brief visit in the city! It was sooo good to have some time with him. We had not seen each other in a couple of years and it so makes a difference when you can see somebody and sit with them and share with them as you eat, laugh and just catch up!!! The children kept me busy as usual which is one of my favorite parts of life!!! What would my life be like without them? Wayno and I are spending more and more time together without children as we are getting closer to being empty-nesters and with Bry living else where and Brit out and about, we have time to spend one on one. We have had fun with friends, enjoying live music at a small patio cafe and taking trips to the nearby parks. It has been fun meeting up with friends at local coffee shops as well as teaching euchre to some. My work has kept me busy and this too is good. It has been quite the adjustment to return to working outside the home for the last two years but I try to keep up with it as well as life at home. I spend more time learning to take care of me which is a change since I have spent so much time as a homeschool mom...cooking, teaching, driving, cleaning, etc. Now it has become important to give back to myself and I am learning to do this with the help of my girlfriends. My favorite Saturdays are spent rising early to have coffee and then head off to the Farmers Market to gather up beautiful produce of many colors! I was happy to find cactus, blackberries, stone fruit, radishes, etc. to fill my bag yesterday. I then love to head to the gym and return home later as the children are rising. I have begun to take yoga classes again after many years and love the challenges my teachers give me. I am spending more and more time in the gardens which always gives me pure joy! I have planted container veggies this Spring as well as herbs and am anxious to begin using them all! Over all, change has slid me nicely into a more balanced space then I have been in the past. I love spending quality time with my children when they are available and am enjoying having more one on one time with Wayno. I have more time with friends and time when I can just be me! Spring has brought for me the appreciation of life and for this I am thankful!