I love that we are in bloom all year long! As many of you may remember, this Jade plant has lived with us for several years now. She has traveled thousands of miles and lives to bloom and bloom!!! She begins her bloom in mid November and as you can see, she continues to bloom through January. She has doubled her size since her arrival in our new home. She stands several feet high and wider than she is tall! She has been lucky to have had guests the last several months. It is always during my morning coffee that Jade is visited by our local bees. They love her and she seems to shine as they hover about. It has been a true blessing to watch her outgrow pots and continually grow beyond. She no longer can be moved as her weight is past what we can lift. She is joined in bloom by plants all about the neighborhood. It is truely amazing to see so much bloom in January. Our Calla Lily is blooming strong as is our Kangaroo Paws. Our Annuals are all in bloom. Annuals...plants that live for an average of 3-5 years here before they must be replaced I am told. All is different and so much to learn. As with the new knowledge I am aquiring with plants, I am also beginning my first try at a new language. Having grown up in a community where learning a second language was not a priority, living here it is a must. I am lucky to have students who are kind enough to help me as well as my children who are constantly correcting me. I am at the beginning stages and am quite enjoying it. To learn about a whole new world...this is good and the planet continues to grow smaller with each new word. If we would each take the time to learn something new about those throughout the world, imagine the layers we would peel back and the friendships we would acquire. May we each be blessed by learning about those persons living throughout the world and not just those in our backyard.
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