Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Rainy Season Continues

It is amazing how quickly one adapts to changes! When the Rainy Season first began, we were all disgusted by the continual rain. It stands everywhere. The children attend an outdoor campus and this does not stop because of rain so they come home drenched. All of this seemed so unreal just a few short months ago! We now start our day with the questions"Is there rain today?" This is then followed by decisions as to layers of clothing for shedding, hair down or just pulled up. Life goes on as usual. We walk, garden, school, run errands, etc. as the rain comes softly down around us. There is no running from car to door as it is just a normal part of the day to have the rain falling. There are days when you even enjoy it falling against your face as you carry produce to the car or takin the trash to the curb. These are the days of winter for us in our new home. We begin to know what streets will be flooded and we plan new routes as the morning weather is broadcast. We are told we will be excited about the rains after going through our first dry period when we will go months with no rain. I am trying to remind myself to take in the smells and feel of the rain now so that I can remember it during the dry spell. We can truely find wonder and blessings in new surroundings and even in new weather patterns!

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