Sunday, May 20, 2007

For Brit, the Spring has been full! Filled with studies and friends!!! She has spent the last two months studying for every test I believe is out there. She loves her school and is excited to be a part of an education system like ours. She however, is excited and looking forward to the future and what it might hold for her as far as education and so is studying hard and taking every test possible so that she is able to prepare for the next big step!!! How quickly life changes and these small ones grow and mature and head off into worlds of their own! How exciting for them to dream and plan and work towards the future. Among all the study time and the huge amount of homework she has had this year, she has still found time to be with friends.
Brit has always danced to her own beat and this is one of the many reasons we are very proud of her. She knows what she believes in and she takes the time to educate herself and be able to stand up for those beliefs. She has worked hard as a Link Crew Leader at school this year as well as is serving on a Liaison committee to bring the youth and the adults of our church closer together. She was excited to travel with a group of students this year to visit possible University choices. She loved her trip and the fun they all had together.
Brit loves to read and wishes she had more time to sink into a chair and lose herself in a book. She was quite excited this spring to be able to hook up with one of her favorite authors during one of our trips to Berkeley!
She was also quite pleased to have time with her Uncle after not having seen him for a couple of years. I'm not sure she believed all his stories but she quickly remembered just how funny Uncle Phil always was and spent most the time at his side. Sissy will always love being a "kid". Even at 93, I imagine Brit will pull out the sidewalk chalk and stickers and have a great afternoon laughing with friends! Coloring eggs with her Dad is always a must! Again, this year she was quite proud of just how beautiful they turned out! Even more so since her brother had decided to come home for the weekend and when she has him with her, all of life is good!

This Spring was filled with many dances and parties. Brit and Jacob seemed to always be headed out to

some new exciting event. They have had a fun Spring! As Brit is nearing the end of her Junior year and Jacob is preparing to graduate, they seem to have many more events showing up on the calendar with graduations, birthday parties, and church conference coming soon, the fun continues on into the summer.

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