Saturday, June 10, 2006


It came and went so fast but during the passing, there were friends, family, music, laughter and tears all mixed into one. Yet another passing has occured in our son's life and he has carried on in a way that makes us shine with pride being the parents of such an amazing young man. Thanks to many friends, teachers, coaches, mentors and family over the last eighteen years, this young man has grown to become an amazing asset to his community. Through tears, I prepped over the last month for this celebration. To say goodbye to what we have had togethor seemed crushing. How could he leave? To sit back and watch at each ceremony as he received awards and recognitions. To watch him with friends and family as he brought laughs. To listen as he tells of his plans for the future. To receive his phone calls and wave as he drives off with friends. To see that grin and to listen to his drumming. These are the things that let me sit back and know he is ready for this passage into a whole new life and these are the memories I will cherish. As time goes by, and we drop him off at school in just a couple months, we will see even more changes. It has been a priviledge to watch this young child grow and to learn so very much from his insights and sharings. I look forward to all the coming experiences and the phone calls and grins that we will receive from him over the coming years. Congratulations Bry and thanks for all you have given us over the years!


Anonymous said... your blog notice from Judy. Please give Bry a huge congratulations from Collette and I. It was nice to receive his graduation announcement and will get something off to him soon. So thrilled to see the photo of him on the djembe. Where is he going to college??? Has he decided on a major?

We're headed to Grand Rapids MI. Collette found a great school there and will be pursuing a B.A. with a music composition we're packing up and will be heading out August 1st. My sister and her family live there, so it will be nice to be close again.

Tell Wayne that Amy, Judy's daughter was just over here yesterday. Is visiting from Florida. Brought up Wayne and she said it's been a long time since she's seen him but remembers how funny and smart he is:)

Anyway, hope all is well. Give the kids a hug from us and we'll be in touch with our new e-mail and address so expect Bry to put us on his list and keep in touch over the years. How exciting for him!!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Bryant from the Galena gang! It's so exciting that he will be heading to Berkeley - you must be very proud. I love seeing your new California lifestyle, and it's neat that Bryant feels so much at home already that he wants to stay for college. We wish him all the best of luck with his studies - I'm sure he'll do great. My folks live just over the hills in Orinda, so I'll be thinking of him when we visit. Things are pretty difficult with my Mom right now, otherwise I would have said he could go up there for a home-cooked meal with two eccentric biochemists once in while. How does Wayne like his new job? Are you all feeling pretty settled in by now?

Hope you are all well!

