Thursday, March 23, 2006


Several years ago a friend gave me a rock. This was not the first rock I had been given or the first rock I had collected. Truth is, I am a rock person and I spend hours searching for just the right rock. I also find myself turning the corner at times to find just the right rock when I wasn't even looking. This rock however was amazing and captured my entire interest. There was something about this small, smooth object that took my breath away and that would stay with me forever. If only I knew at that time just how this rock would become such a major part of my life. Rocks. Either you get them or you don't. Either way is fine but for those of us who have a connection with rocks, there are some that have no match. This such rock was that type. This rock was smooth and dark gray. It's uniqueness came in that it had a perfect circular hole all the way through it. It was perfect! It could not be man made but how did it happen? I was told she had found it at a beach in CA but could not remember quite where it was. She just felt it would be important for me. Wow! How some know things about us long before we do, ourselves. Many years later I have come to find that my favorite place to spend any free time I may have is at a beach filled with rocks just like this gift handed to me so many years before. I have spent hours over the last year walking this beach and collecting those rocks that seem to want to join the many rocks we have in our home. It is amazing to me when two opposites join and the fact that my favorite things in life, rocks and the ocean, have become such an important factor in my life. It has become a joke in our home. We go to the ocean and most pictures of me show me walking the beaching with coffee in one hand and rocks in the other. I have had many fun talks with other rock collectors while walking the beach early in the morning while most people are still cuddled in their warm beds. These are the times, coffee in hand and rocks filling the other, when I know that I have arrived! May we all find time to find that balance in life when opposites make sense and life is just a breath of pure happiness! Blessings-


Anonymous said...

I love you madre. you and your rocks and coffe!!!

Anonymous said...

From one rock fan (ha) to another... I, too, love rocks, and sometimes, in a Martha Stewart moment, I wonder if my many bowls are gathered and gifted rocks are too repetitive. But I keep them still. When the kids were young, we'd gather river rocks and paint them together. They made lovely gifts for friends and family. In fact, I just promised my niece that soon we would paint a rock or two together.

Love you,