Sunday, February 19, 2006

The boys are already planning their next trip and so this one would be considered a success. The skim was perfect! The boys rose early and would head straight for the ocean. Out before the longboarders and while most the town slept the boys would begin their days riding the skim. Through horrible pain by the second morning and spills as the ocean won a few, the boys lived to catch each skim. They skimmed, the talked about skimming, the bought skimming products in the local shops and they skimmed some more. The smiles were contagious and their skills grew quickly in just the weekend they were there. They would stand at the edge and study. They would compare notes. They would ride and then critique each ride. Life was good! They stopped for food and caffeine and some time to rewax their boards. Other than that they lived in the water. They battled the power of the waves and came through it all with some scars to proudly show. The stories still fill the air and the time is now spent prepping the boards for the next time out.

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