We spent the day yesterday traveling to Oakland to see the Raiders vs. the Browns. A fun filled day, spent watching people! The air was charged and the fans were ecstatic as the Raiders scored! As the second half rolled in and the game changed, so did the energy around us. And as we left the stadium and walked the stretch of pavement crossing over streets through a covered bridge with fans, it was as though we were marching in a funeral procession with the quiet all around us and the long drawn faces. So quickly can things change! As we looked up to the skies we noticed they had changed as well and what looked like rain was in the eastern skies. As we left the subway station later, we could smell rain in the air. Driving home through rain last night, it was easy to realize that our summer was coming to an end and Fall was heading in. I woke this morning to clouds. In October!!! Not something we see much of until November or December. Our rainy season does not begin until then and we live in warmth and summer filled days until that time. To smell and see rain and clouds has placed me in a day of calm memories. I have sat with my coffee at the computer this morning going through the pictures and memories of this summer and cherishing each moment one last time. No, the rainy season is not here and will not arrive for another month but this has been a reminder that it really is just around the corner. We will need to call to have the wood delivered and we will begin to watch to see just what days we can build a fire to stay cozy. Something we will see change over the next several years as we all switch to other means of staying warm as our air quality is not seeming to change for the better as we had hoped it would. But life continues on as we find ways to hopefully better our world after all the pollution we have covered her with. And the sun is slowly peeking out from behind the clouds as I sit typing. The rainy season will hold off and the almonds will have time to dry but as I head out to my gardens this morning, I will take with me all the memories of this summer and as I dig in the soil and cut back plants, I know I will find myself smiling as I think back and remember all the fun summer brought our family! May these memories keep me warm and cozy this rainy season until the smell of the blossoms return and spring peaks out to greet us! Thank you all for the fun and memories you have helped us create.
Blessed Be-